Friday, October 24, 2014

Why is my hand swollen with Diabetes?

Why is my hand swollen with diabetes? This is the literal question that we received from a woman who is battling high blood sugar, she admits to being slightly overweight, but in actuality her bodyweight has nothing to do with her condition.  There are thin diabetic who experience complication with the limbs. It is crucial for the diabetic to understand that the illness has a very punishing affect on the circulation, it is imperative that high blood sugar not be ignored; many have loss fingers due to circulatory complications from excessive blood sugar.  If you have a hand which is swollen while battling diabetes it is a sign that should not be ignored.





Swelling in the limbs related to high blood sugar is commonly known as diabetic edema, this condition occurs when the circulation has become impaired. A good flow of blood is very necessary to the health of the arteries and blood vessels; this is often not the case with the diabetic. When all things are working well the blood should circulate from the heart to the lower and upper limbs in a steady fashion, diabetics often develop circulatory complications. Blood clots can stop the steady forward flow of the circulation or in some diabetics the valves in the arteries can be leaky which causes the blood to flow backwards (pool together), this can cause swelling. It should also be noted that ff you have a hand (or hands) which are swollen it can be a sign of coming heart problems, the cardiovascular system suffers with high blood sugar.


The condition of the limbs is often related to the health of the heart.


One of the more interesting findings which were published by Joslin diabetic researchers showed how high blood sugar ruins the lining of the arteries, this can lead to swelling and heart troubles.



“There is evidence that patients with diabetes have an increased level of low-grade inflammation of their arterial lining, a process that initiates the blood vessel changes leading to heart disease” Joslin Diabetes Center


Over the last 10 years the hands have seen the largest increase in the numbers of amputation operations, the necessary removal of fingers are due to the extreme circulation complications. Diabetic Nerve damage is extremely difficult to reverse, it is often related to swelling, and there are currently no medications which can reverse nerve damage.




There is some good news; there is a diet from Europe that has been reversing diabetes hand and feet which are swollen, it is used by thousands to stop the pain. The diet heals the nerves and greatly improves circulation, both the diet for a normal blood sugar and the specialized diet for the nerves are included together now for the first time.








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