Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why your hands hurts with Diabetes, a very serious message

If you have diabetes this can cause your hands to hurt and it is a sign of serious nerve damage that can lead to the removal of the hand or fingers. There has been an incredible rise in the numbers of people who are suffering from high blood sugar, the World Health Organization estimates that there are now over 300 million people worldwide who are living with an elevated level of sugar in the blood. If you have diabetes and your hands hurt it is a sign of nerve damage which can lead to the the removal of the hand or fingers without proper care.

How high blood sugar destroys the nerves

When blood sugar levels are high it means that there is a circulating poison level of glucose in the bloodstream, this is extremely serious and over time leads to damage to the organs, blood vessels and nerve endings. Last year over 4,000 people in the United States had a leg or hand removed due to the complications of living with high blood sugar. When high levels of glucose(sugars) is allowed to roam free in the blood it will damage your circulation, this is the cause of diabetics having fingers,toes, hands and legs removed. Researchers at Nanjing Medical University in China last week reported on how high blood sugar damages the nerves

"We have observed for the first time that serum NSE levels are elevated in diabetes and are related to diabetic neuropathy," the authors concluded. "This may provide a potential blood marker for diabetic neuropathy. Li Jianbo, MD, PhD, of Nanjing Medical University. Your feet hurt with diabetes because the excessive sugars in the blood cause an increase in an enzyme(NHE)which helps damage the circulation. Each day with hand pain from high blood sugar is more damage being done to the nerves and this has led to finger amputation in thousands. You can reverse this condition drug free, this has been proven in thousands.

The root cause of diabetes comes from insulin resistance, this comes from our modern day food supply (chemicals in the food)

There is some good news, there is a diet that has been reversing diabetic hands problem, the swollen painful hand get help and pain is reversed, it is a specialized diabetic hands diet that is used in Europe, it is now used in 10 countries. **Note** The diet from Europe was created for diabetic foot pain but has been used successfully to save the hands in thousands.


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